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Colorado State University Global

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Student Rights Policies

Student Rights and Responsibilities

CSU Global was established to meet the needs of nontraditional learners in the state of Colorado and beyond with fully online degree programs in career-relevant disciplines. CSU Global programs are designed based on the best practices of adult and online learning theory in an accelerated online format (8 week terms). Faculty and staff are committed to the success of CSU Global students. In order to support student success and maximize educational benefit, CSU Global has established the following student rights and responsibilities.

Student Rights

  • To expect that student-faculty and student-staff interactions will meet the highest standards of academic dialogue.
  • To interact with faculty and staff members who are responsive, participatory, dedicated, and committed to student learning and success.
  • To engage with faculty and staff members who demonstrate excellence and expertise in their discipline and scope of responsibility.
  • To expect that faculty and staff members will be leaders in adult and online learning as well as experts in their specific content areas.
  • To receive reasonable accommodations when extenuating circumstances prevent successful completion of academic requirements.
  • To receive guidance in identifying and applying the tools required for successful course and degree completion.
  • To respectful self-expression.
  • To engage in a dynamic learning process and dialogue with faculty members and peers.
  • To participate in and learn from a multi-cultural learning experience.
  • To clarify and respond to concerns and questions that may arise from academic discourse.
  • To raise questions and request clarification from others with regard to issues and opinions that arise during academic discourse.

Student Responsibilities

  • To engage fully in class activities and assignments based on best practices in adult and online learning theory. This may include being active online an average of 3-4 times per week and completing assignments by their due date. This will ensure the maximum educational benefit is received from our accelerated, participatory curriculum design. Specific requirements may vary by instructor.
  • To assume financial responsibility for tuition payments and fulfill all financial obligations.
  • To be aware of all university policies and processes required and to comply with those policies and meet required deadlines as documented in the Academic Catalog, university policies, and other communications.
  • To meet requirements regarding minimum academic standards and course completion in order to maintain financial and academic eligibility for enrollment.
  • To engage with others in a professional and respectful manner within all CSU Global environments.
  • To take responsibility for your success, including but not limited to:
    • Initiating and pursuing communication through all available means when questions, concerns, or obstacles are encountered.
    • Acquiring the technical and academic skills necessary to successfully complete coursework.
    • Understanding and respecting the roles of instructors and support personnel and utilizing the appropriate resources needed for success.
  • To own or maintain consistent access to equipment and internet connectivity required for engagement in the online learning environment.
  • To maintain academic excellence and practice academic integrity in all its shapes and forms. This includes submitting original work supported by research and citing references as required.
  • To use the CSU Global email account as the official means of communication with the university, including its staff and faculty. This account will be used for important student notifications.
  • To act as a self-directed learner. Students should complete a significant portion of their work independent of direct faculty supervision. A student’s success depends upon their self-motivation and ability to undertake independent study and allocate an appropriate amount of time and effort to their coursework.

The Student Code of Conduct

Members of the CSU Global community are expected to observe all laws and to respect the rights and privileges of other members of the community. As a community, CSU Global has the obligation to establish those regulations that best serve and protect its integrity as an institution of higher learning and the rights, dignity, and integrity of the members of the community. All CSU Global students are expected to adhere to the following code of conduct:

Expectations and Conduct Code


  • Access to CSU Global courses only for lawful purposes including but not limited to: using only authorized accounts, files and access codes; protecting access privileges from third party users; taking no action by which a student will knowingly disrupt computing services, violate copyright laws, or other university policies; and respect for and proper use of all university property and systems.
  • Refrain from theft of any university property whether physical or virtual.
  • CSU Global strictly prohibits the sharing of user login credentials. The Office of Student Affairs under the CSU Global student Code of Conduct will investigate instances of sharing login credentials. Please also refer to the Student ID Verification Policy.
  • Student Recording of Class Sessions: CSU Global prohibits recording and transmission of activities (e.g., lectures, discussions) that occur as part of a live classroom session by a student unless permission from the course instructor has been obtained and all students in the course as well as any guest speakers have been informed that audio/video recording may occur.  A recording is defined as a video or audio replication or photographic image recorded on devices, including, but not limited to, audio recorders, video recorders, cellular phones, digital cameras, MP3 players, computers, tablets, and other handheld devices that record images and/or sound.   If a student is given authorization to record any portion of a live classroom session, that student understands that the recording is for the sole use of the individual student and may not be reproduced, sold, posted online, or otherwise distributed. A student does not have permission to reproduce or post the information on any social media (e.g., YouTube, FaceBook, etc.), or other public or private forum that would infringe on the privacy rights of others represented in the recording.  Public distribution of such materials may constitute copyright infringement in violation of federal or state law, or College policy. Violation of this policy may subject a student to disciplinary action under CSU Global’s Student Code of Conduct policies. Recordings authorized by Disability Services for academic accommodations are exempted.
  • Instructor Recordings of Class Sessions: The instructor may record portions of this class for educational purposes. The recordings will be shared only with students enrolled in the course and will be deleted at the conclusion of the course. Students may not reproduce, post, or distribute any recordings provided by the instructor.


  • Maintain academic integrity and honesty in accordance with academic policies, grading, APA, and copyright policies.
  • Submit only true and accurate documentation and information including but not limited to: the application for admission; any university forms, requests, or petitions; and registration or withdrawal information.

Behavior and Expectations

  • Engage with all CSU Global stakeholders, including instructors, staff, students and partners of CSU Global in a courteous, respectful, and professional manner.
  • Netiquette: Respect the diversity of opinions among the instructor and classmates and engage with them in a courteous, respectful, and professional manner. All posts and classroom communication must be conducted in accordance with the student code of conduct.
  • Maintain an environment free of harassment, stalking, threats, abuse, insults or humiliation toward the instructor and classmates. This includes, but is not limited to, demeaning written or oral comments of an ethnic, religious, age, disability, sexist (or sexual orientation), or racist nature; and the unwanted sexual advances or intimidations by email, or on discussion boards and other postings within or connected to the online classroom. If you have concerns about something that has been said, please let your instructor know.
  • Exercise the productive use of time, commitments, and professional authority of the faculty, staff, and partners of CSU Global to maintain an environment free from bullying, threats, harassment, or coercion related to grading and the application of institutional policies and procedures.
  • Comply with the directions of university officials, including staff, faculty and partners of CSU Global, acting in performance of their duties.
  • Abide by all university policies, rules, regulations and responsibilities including, but not limited to: Students Rights and Responsibilities; Student Code of Conduct; Sexual Harassment; and Policies for Student with Disabilities.
  • Maintain adherence to all applicable federal, state and local laws.

Controlled Substances

The use or possession of unlawful controlled substances on property owned or leased by CSU Global, or in conjunction with activities sponsored by the institution is prohibited. Students must abide by all local, state, and federal laws governing the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of controlled substances. This may include Colorado laws as well as laws in effect in the student’s place of residence.

Students seeking information, assistance, or treatment program options may consult organizations such as the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Colorado Department of Human Services, Al-Anon, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or check local listings for a substance abuse hotline or program.

Violations of Student Code

Disciplinary proceedings may be instituted against a student charged with a violation of federal, state, or local criminal law and this Student Conduct Code without regard to the settlement of civil or criminal litigation in court or criminal arrest and/or prosecution. Proceedings under the Student Conduct Code may be carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following off-campus civil or criminal proceedings at the discretion of the Provost or his/her designee. Determinations made or sanctions imposed under this Student Conduct Code shall not be subject to change because criminal or civil charges arising out of the same facts giving rise to violations of university rules were dismissed, reduced, or resolved in favor of or against the criminal or civil law defendant.

Students who are found to be in violation of the code of conduct may be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to: loss of credit, warning, degree revocation, probation, suspension, revocation of admission or permanent expulsion. Reports of violation of the code of conduct may be submitted, by any member of the CSU Global community, to Student Affairs. Those submitting a report should supply documentation demonstrating or describing the violation. Reports of misconduct will be investigated by Student Affairs or by a panel appointed by the Provost. Investigations must be completed within three (3) weeks of receipt of the report. After review, a determination of action will be made and the student will be notified within one (1) week of the decision for action. Students may appeal the decision by submitting their request and documentation to the Provost within two (2) weeks of receipt of the decision for action. No later than three (3) weeks from receipt of the appeal, the Provost or his/her designee will notify the student of the final decision of the appeal.

Hearing and Appeal Process

Disciplinary proceedings may be instituted against a student charged with a violation of any expectations or conduct set forth in Section I above. Disciplinary proceedings under the Student Conduct Code may be carried out independent of,  prior to, simultaneously with or following separate civil or criminal proceedings at  the discretion of the Provost or his/her designee. Determinations regarding violation of the Student Conduct Code or sanctions imposed shall not be subject to change because criminal or civil proceedings arising out of the same facts giving rise to disciplinary action were dismissed, reduced, or resolved in favor of the student.

Students who are found to be in violation of the Student Conduct Code by a preponderance of the evidence may be subject to disciplinary sanctions including, but not limited to: warning, loss of credit, disciplinary probation, suspension, permanent expulsion and/or degree revocation with permanent mark on transcript.

Reporting Suspected Violations

Reports of violation of the Student Conduct Code may be submitted by any member of the CSU Global community to the Assistant Provost or designee. Those submitting a report should supply documentation demonstrating or describing the violation (See below “Reporting Outline”). Reports of misconduct will be investigated by the Office of Student Success. Appeals are reviewed by a panel appointed by the Provost if an appeal is requested by the student (see below “Appeal Procedure and Honesty Hearing Panel Procedure” section).

Reporting Outline

  1. Reports of violations received by CSU Global employee or faculty member should be sent to the Office of Student Affairs or designee and include a description of the alleged violation and provide supporting documentation.
  2. Investigation of the violation is conducted by a panel appointed by the Office of Student Affairs or designee at the discretion of the Provost. Investigations will be completed within approximately twenty-one (21) calendar days of receipt of the report. The student shall have a meaningful opportunity to be heard and present evidence to the party investigating and determining responsibility for the alleged violation.
  3. Review and determination of student responsibility, using the preponderance of the evidence standard, is made and student is informed within approximately seven (7) calendar days of that decision and any applicable sanctions.
  4. The student may appeal the decision to the Provost in writing within seven (7) calendar days.
  5. The Provost or designee will review the appeal, confer with relevant parties as deemed necessary or appropriate, and notify student of the final decision on appeal within approximately twenty-one (21) calendar days.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is any form of cheating which results in students giving or receiving unauthorized assistance in an academic exercise or receiving credit for work which is not their own. If a student is suspected of academic dishonesty, the instructor will inform the Assistant Provost or his/her designee prior to imposing an academic penalty.  The Assistant Provost or his/her designee will facilitate a review of all documentation and communicate results of the review to all parties and document the results in the student record. The results will be used to inform the academic penalty which may include a failing grade for the work in question, a failing grade for the course, or any lesser penalty which the instructor finds appropriate.

To dispute an accusation of academic dishonesty and the penalty imposed by the instructor, the student must first consult with the instructor. If the dispute remains unresolved, the student may then request a review by the Provost. Beyond academic penalties imposed, academic dishonesty is also a behavioral issue and is considered an act of misconduct. Whether or not an academic penalty has been imposed by the faculty a report of the infraction must be submitted to the Provost, who may initiate additional disciplinary action. If a student is disciplined as a result of the academic dishonesty, a written appeal may be submitted to the Provost. Disciplinary proceedings and appeals related to academic dishonesty shall follow the Hearing and Appeal Process set forth in “Hearing and Appeal Process” above.

The following misconduct is considered by the university to be acts of academic dishonesty. This is not an exhaustive list of all acts of academic dishonesty, but is a guide to help faculty and students understand what constitutes academic dishonesty.

Unusual, Suspicious and Masked IP Addresses

CSU Global will strictly enforce student identity verification through the Office of Student Affairs. Please refer to the Student ID Verification Policy.

  • Students who exhibit unusual activity in a CSU Global course as reported by the BioSig Suspicious Activity-Reporting System and verified as suspicious by the Office of Student Affairs will be notified by email that suspicious activity has been identified, and that sharing login credentials with anyone is a violation of the CSU Global’s Student Code of Conduct, and may result in progressive discipline. This will be documented as a “Warning” in the student’s record.
    • A second offense violation will be documented as a “Final Warning” in the student’s record and an email will be sent to the student stating that continued suspicious activity has been identified. This final warning will notify the student this is the second violation for the course and the student will be blocked access to the course. The course instructor will be asked to assign a final grade of ‘F’ for the course.
    • Any further violations may result in progressive discipline, up to and including suspension or expulsion from the university.
  • Students who use masked IP addresses as reported by the BioSig suspicious activity-reporting system will be notified by email that usage of a masked IP address has been identified, and that use of masked IP addresses is a violation of the CSU Global’s Student Code of Conduct and may result in progressive discipline. This will be documented as a “Warning” in the student’s record.
    • A second offense violation for a masked IP address will be documented as a “Final Warning” in the student’s record and an email will be sent to the student stating that continued use of masked IP addresses has been identified. This final warning will notify the student this is the second violation and may result in progressive discipline, up to and including suspension or expulsion.


Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. Academic exercises include all forms of work submitted for credit. Students may not have other individuals conduct research or prepare work for them without advance authorization from the instructor. This includes the services of commercial vendors for papers. This may include submission of work written in part, or in whole, by a family member, friend, another student, or associate.


Intentionally and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise; or of documentation meant to excuse or justify adjustments related to attendance or completion of work (exams, exercises, etc.).

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty

Intentionally or knowingly helping another to commit any act of academic dishonesty.


Plagiarism is the adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, or statements of another person as one’s own either knowingly, carelessly, or without acknowledgment. Plagiarism is addressed through the plagiarism policy in Section IV below.

Unauthorized Collaboration

Intentionally sharing information or working together in an academic exercise when such actions are not approved by the instructor. Individuals may study together but all work submitted for credit must be the unique work of the individual student.

Reusing and Repurposing One’s Own Work

CSU Global assignments are designed to build professional skills, develop critical thinking, and ensure students are able to meet the learning outcomes of each course. To accomplish these goals, the re-use and repurposing policy limits the amount of prior work that can be recycled or re-applied in either a repeated or subsequent course.

No more than 20% of an assignment’s content shall consist of quoted material (from either an external source or your own previously submitted content) unless the student has obtained permission from the current instructor. This policy allows for use of a limited amount of prior research, data, or quotes while ensuring that up-to-date analysis and application are being made to address the unique course assignment and learning outcomes. When repeating a course, students must submit newly created work.

Academic Dishonesty Reporting by CSU Global Faculty

Students suspected of academic dishonesty shall be so informed and are entitled to an opportunity to reveal their understanding of cheating/plagiarism in a private discussion with the course instructor prior to the assessment of any penalty. The instructor or the student may choose to have a witness present for the discussion.

Instructors who determine that a student has engaged in an act of academic dishonesty may impose an academic penalty, which may include a failing grade for the work in question, a failing grade for the course, or any lesser penalty which the instructor finds appropriate. Before imposing an academic penalty under this section, instructors shall report the concern to the Assistant Provost or his/her designee to discuss an appropriate penalty before informing the student of the decision in writing.

The instructor shall notify the student of the decision to impose an academic penalty and the basis for that decision. The instructor shall copy that notification to the Assistant Provost or his/her designee along with the following information:

  • the class and term;
  • a copy of the assignment;
  • due date of the assignment;
  • work submitted by the student; and
  • evidence to support the charge of intellectual dishonesty.

The Office of Student Affairs or his/her designee will notify the student’s instructor and ask that the instructor confer with the student to discuss academic integrity. Most academic dishonesty violations are resolved at the instructor, program, or school level in an agreed resolution between instructor and student, or through an informal meeting with an appointed representative and the instructor. The Office of Student Affairs will forward any records related to academic dishonesty to appropriate Program Chair and/or Office of the Provost who will maintain all such material for a period of at least one year beyond the student’s graduation or permanent separation from the university.

Academic Dishonesty Appeals

Occasionally, a student may wish to appeal academic penalties imposed. These penalties may be appealed using the following appeal process:

  1. The student will inform the instructor involved that s/he wishes to appeal the penalty; then the student will notify his or her Student Success Counselor; and through the Office of Student Affairs, the student may appeal to the Provost or his/her designee.
  2. The Provost or his/her designee will appoint an appeal panel. A panel will include, at least two faculty members, the Program Chair, a student success counselor and a representative from student appeals.
  3. The panel will convene and meet with the student. The panel will be provided all associated documentation. The student’s version of the incident will be presented and panel members will ask questions of the student, as necessary. The panel or the student may call witnesses to clarify relevant facts. Students may have a support person present but may not have someone speak on their behalf. The Office of Student Affairs will collect documentation, minute the meeting and conduct an investigation of claims and counterclaims made during the meeting.
  4. The investigation of the student’s version and associated information will be completed within approximately twenty one (21) calendar days following the panel meeting.
  5. Findings of the investigation completed by Provost or his/her designee are presented to the panel. A determination of responsibility will be made, using the preponderance of the evidence standard, and the student will be notified within approximately seven (7) calendar days of the determination.
    Students may appeal the decision of the panel by submitting a request in writing with any supporting documentation to the Provost within seven (7) calendar days of the panel’s decision. This second appeal is also facilitated by the Office of Student Affairs.
    Within approximately twenty one (21) days from receipt of the appeal, the Provost or his/her designee will notify the student of the final decision.
  6. Students may appeal the decision of the panel by submitting a request in writing with any supporting documentation to the Provost within seven (7) calendar days of the panel’s decision. This second appeal is also facilitated by the Assistant Provost or his/her designee.
  7. Within approximately twenty one (21) days from receipt of the appeal, the Provost or his/her designee will notify the student of the final decision.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tool Guidelines

The purpose of discussions and assignments is for you to fine-tune and demonstrate your learning and critical thinking skills while providing you with opportunities to grow as a communicator, thinker, and leader in your workplace.

As part of our ongoing commitment to promote the development of information literacy skills for learning, we support the effective, ethical and responsible use of AI tools such as ChatGPT, Perplexity, Gemini, and Grammarly, among others, at CSU Global and in your day-to-day professional life.

However, it is essential for you to understand that these tools augment your own intellectual work, and they do not replace it. Any verbatim copying and pasting of these tools’ output and presenting it as your original work is considered plagiarism and constitutes a violation of the academic integrity policies.

Here are some recommended ways to use AI tools in your academic endeavors for discussion board, Critical Thinking assignments, Portfolio Projects, and the other work that you encounter in your courses:

  • Research Assistance: AI can aid in topic selection, source finding, key concept identification, and exploring diverse perspectives on a subject.
  • Brainstorming and Outlining: AI can be prompted to generate ideas, create outlines, and structure arguments for essays or presentations.
  • Thesis/Claim Generation: AI can aid in formulating strong, clear, and arguable thesis statements or claims for written assignments.
  • Summarization: AI can help distill lengthy journal articles or academic research papers into concise summaries, assisting in understanding complex materials. Any summaries used in assignments must cite their original sources (not the AI).
  • Grammar and Syntax Checks: AI can proofread your work, correct grammatical errors, improve sentence structure, and enhance syntax.
  • Vocabulary Enhancement: AI can suggest more precise or sophisticated word choices, thereby enhancing the overall quality of your writing.
  • Feedback and Revision: AI can offer instant feedback on writing clarity, coherence, and structure, guiding students through the revision process.
  • Data Visualization: AI tools can be used to create charts, graphs, and other visual representations of data, enhancing the presentation of research findings.
  • Multimodal Assignments: AI can assist in integrating various forms of media (e.g., images, audio, video) into written assignments, fostering creativity and engagement.
  • Accessibility Support: AI can be employed for text-to-speech or voice recognition, provide captioning or transcripts of media sources, and otherwise convert learning materials into multimodal forms, enabling more effective support for the diverse needs of learners and universal design.

Important Considerations

  • Unpredictable: At the present time, AI tools typically produce unique responses to each prompt, making their output unpredictable and non-repeatable. Furthermore, their responses can’t be attributed to a specific author or organization. Therefore, AI tools should not be regarded as a primary, verifiable source of information. Instead, they should be seen as tools that can assist in locating or organizing other sources, comparable to the way one may use Wikipedia.
  • Misinformation: AI models like ChatGPT do not access or understand reality or check facts. They predict and generate language based on probability, sometimes providing biased results, misinformation, or non-existent sources (also referred to as  “hallucinations”), necessitating the verification of all content.
  • Always Verify: AI tools often struggle with accurate source citation; so once again, careful verification of any sources provided in responses is crucial.
  • Limited Data: These models have been trained on limited datasets and many do not have access to current data, yet another reason why thorough verification is essential.
  • Always Avoid Personal Information: Remember there are no guarantees or expectations of privacy when using AI, so avoid including any personal information in prompts.
  • Rapid Evolution: It is essential to understand that all AI tools are in an unprecedented period of rapid change in their development, and as their behaviors and characteristics are in constant evolution, their output is unpredictable.
  • Always Cite AI Use: When using AI tools in completing assignments, you are expected to include a statement as appropriate in a separate section of your work acknowledging and citing the specific tool(s) used and the prompt(s) you used to generate responses.

 If you’re uncertain about how and when to use AI:

  • Consider AI as an assistant, not a replacement.
  • Approach AI as you would a human assistant or coach: use it as a sounding board for ideas, source hunting, structuring help, etc., but avoid letting it complete the assignment for you (this constitutes plagiarism).
  • Remember, AI can generate and synthesize information but cannot create or think critically – only you can do that!
  • When in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask your instructor for guidance.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can make the most effective use of AI tools to enhance your learning experience while maintaining academic integrity.

Plagiarism Policy

CSU Global expects assignment submissions to represent the original work of the individual student. At least seventy percent (70%) of the content should be the student’s original thoughts, analysis, and synthesis of course material. Paraphrasing, with proper citations and references, is considered an appropriate analysis in supporting student’s thoughts.

As a general guideline, student assignments should return an originality check similarity score of 30% or less, with no more than 20% of the student’s paper containing quoted material;

  • Unethical AI-generated content cannot be incorporated into submitted assignments and falls outside of the 30% threshold unless expressly directed by the assignment deliverables and the instructor. Assignment types may vary. Thus, student submissions are evaluated based on a combination of the originality score, the probability of AI-generated content, the requirements of the assignment, and the presence of original thought. Tools designed to identify mechanical mistakes and suggested edits to written work as a means of proofreading, such as Grammarly, are permitted to be used by students provided the work is original to the student.

Quoted material should be used with discretion, be formatted in compliance with the CSU Global Writing Center and APA standards of academic integrity when demonstrating the appropriate incorporation and citation of credible sources and facts in student analysis, writing, and assignment completion.

This policy is designed to be educational and developmental in nature; however, if an act of plagiarism is considered to be egregious, a student may not be afforded multiple offenses and disciplinary proceedings may be pursued immediately, at the discretion of the Office of the Provost.

Plagiarism offenses are considered academic integrity issues and reported by faculty to the Office of Student Affairs. The Office of Student Affairs is responsible for investigating reports, maintaining documentation of offenses, providing remediation resources, and communicating investigation results to faculty and students.

Suspected Plagiarism Offenses

Instructors will file a Plagiarism Alert for students suspected of plagiarism. Alerts are reviewed by the Office of Student Affairs for accuracy. In cases where plagiarism is confirmed, the following actions will be taken:

First Offense:

  • The Office of Student Affairs notifies the instructor and the student of the offense.
  • The Office of Student Affairs records the offense in the student’s academic record and the instructor notes the offense in the comment section of the plagiarized assignment. The Office of Student Affairs will provide recommendations to the student for additional writing and citation support.
  • The student is provided with the option to resubmit the assignment within (5 days) of the first offense email notification from the Office of Student Affairs. This includes final portfolio assignments.
  • Grading of all work will be completed in alignment with the assignment grading rubric.

Second Offense:

  • The Office of Student Affairs notifies the instructor and the student of the offense.
  • The Office of Student Affairs records the offense in the student’s academic record and the instructor notes the offense in the comment section of the plagiarized assignment. The Office of Student Affairs will provide recommendations to the student for additional writing and citation support.
  • The student is provided with the option to resubmit the assignment with a 10% penalty in points within (3 days) of the second offense email notification from the Office of Student Affairs. This includes final portfolio assignments.
  • Grading of all work will be completed in alignment with the assignment grading rubric.

Third Offense:

  • The Office of Student Affairs notifies the instructor and the student of the offense.
  • The Office of Student Affairs records the offense in the student’s academic record and the instructor notes the offense in the comment section of the plagiarized assignment.
  • The student receives a grade of zero (0) for the assignment(s) and no opportunity to resubmit. This includes final portfolio assignments.
  • The Office of Student Affairs will provide recommendations to the student for additional writing and citation support.

Fourth Offense:

  • The Office of Student Affairs notifies the student of Disciplinary Warning Status and student is awarded an “F” in the course. Any subsequent confirmed plagiarism offense may result in dismissal from the university. Note: At the discretion of the Provost, the student may face immediate dismissal.

Alcohol and Drug Prevention Program and Policy

Under the “Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988” CSU Global is required to notify all employees and students of its specific alcohol and drug policy program.

The elements of the policy and program include consequences that may follow the use of alcohol and other drugs, and sanctions that may be applied. The law requires that individuals be notified of possible sources of assistance for problems that may arise as a result of use.

The policy is intended to educate the university community about the health risks associated with the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs and about the resources available for counseling and therapy. In addition, in order to assure a work and learning environment that supports its mission and proper function, CSU Global prohibits unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol or illicit drugs by faculty, staff, or students.

CSU Global encourages individuals with alcohol or other drug related problems to seek assistance.

Health risks associated with alcohol and drugs – There are obvious risks associated with alcohol and drug abuse, but there are a number of less obvious risks as well:

  • Physical and mental dependence
  • Memory loss
  • Violent behavior, aggressive acts, and angry feelings
  • Headaches
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Muscle weakness
  • A drug tolerance
  • Liver, lung, and kidney problems
  • Brain damage
  • Hallucinations, tremors, and convulsions
  • Hyperactivity or Sluggish behavior
  • Poor academic performance
  • Unwanted sexual activity (i.e. date rape)
  • Sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS
  • Unwanted pregnancy
  • Impact on future career prospects
  • Adverse effects from withdrawal
  • Alcohol and other drug use may also lead to other health problems such as respiratory issues, depression, cancer, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, elevated blood pressure, and, in some case, death.
  • If combined with other depressants of the central nervous system, even low doses of alcohol can have dangerous effects.

Counseling and Support Services

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

24/7 Treatment Referral Line: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

CSU Global will also provide additional information on local, state, and national resources for those seeking assistance with substance abuse if requested or if concerns about alcohol and drug use by faculty, staff or students become known.


Unlawful possession, use, manufacture, or distribution of alcohol, marijuana, or illicit drugs may also lead to a referral to the appropriate local, state, and/or federal authorities for prosecution for a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the nature of the offense. The sanctions for such offenses may include fines and/or

Anyone found consuming or selling illegal drugs on university property shall be subject to discipline on a case-by case basis. In all cases, the university will abide by local, state and federal sanctions regarding unlawful possession of drugs and the consumption of alcohol or marijuana. A violation may result in university dismissal and additional state penalties and sanctions may also apply.

Federal Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Violations

The Higher Education Opportunity Act states students convicted for an illicit drug violation (including marijuana per federal guidelines) can be denied federal financial aid for a specific period, in addition to other legal penalties. Students who have been convicted of a drug related offense are required to submit the Drug Eligibility Worksheet to determine if the conviction affects aid eligibility. Students who fail to answer the question or who falsify their response may be disqualified from receiving federal financial aid or face fines, imprisonment, or both.

Federal guidelines further state that Pell Grant recipients must certify that they will not engage in unlawful activities related to controlled substances while receiving the grant. More information about federal penalties and sanctions is located at If the student was convicted of both possessing and selling illegal drugs (including marijuana per federal guidelines) the student may be ineligible for the longer period.

Possession of Illegal Drugs

  • First offense: A student loses eligibility for federal financial aid for one year from the date of conviction.
  • Second offense: A student loses eligibility for federal financial aid for two years from the date of conviction.
  • Third offense and subsequent offenses: A student has indefinite ineligibility for federal financial aid from the date of conviction.

Sale of Illegal Drugs

  • First offense: A student loses eligibility for federal financial aid for two years from the date of conviction.
  • Second and subsequent offenses: A student has indefinite ineligibility from the date of conviction.

How to Regain Eligibility

A student can regain eligibility for federal student aid funds the day after the period of ineligibility ends or upon successful completion of a qualified drug rehabilitation program that must:

  • Include at least two unannounced drug tests, and
  • Have received or be qualified to receive funds directly or indirectly under a federal, state, or local government program.

Students denied eligibility for an indefinite period can regain it after successfully completing a rehabilitation program, passing two unannounced drug tests from such a program, or if a conviction is reversed, set aside or removed from the student’s record so that fewer than two convictions for sale or three convictions for possession remain on the record. In such cases, the nature and dates of the remaining convictions will determine when the student regains eligibility. The student is responsible to certify that a rehabilitation program was successfully completed. As with the conviction question on the FAFSA, CSU Global is not required to confirm the reported information unless conflicting information is determined.

Convictions During Enrollment

Federal regulations require enrolled students receiving federal financial aid to notify the university immediately if convicted of a drug offense. They may become ineligible for further federal financial aid and must repay federal financial aid received after the conviction.

Freedom of Expression and Inquiry

The faculty of CSU Global considers freedom of discussion, inquiry, and expression to be consonant with the history and traditions of our country and a cornerstone of education in a free society. CSU Global is committed not just to valuing and respecting diversity but also to respecting diverse viewpoints.

CSU Global community members are encouraged to engage in discussions, to exchange ideas and opinions, and to speak, write, and publish freely in accordance with the guarantees and limitations of our state and national constitutions. Students who believe their rights have been violated should contact the Office of Student Success by email at

Faculty and students have not only a right, but also a responsibility, to examine critically the insights, understandings, values, issues, and concerns that have evolved in the various areas of human activity. In exercising their rights, faculty and students should understand that their actions may reflect on CSU Global. Hence, they should at all times strive to be honest and accurate, exercise appropriate restraint, and show appropriate respect for the opinions of others.

Freedom From Personal Abuse

CSU Global acknowledges the right of all people to freedom from personal abuse. Abusive treatment of individuals on a personal or stereotyped basis prevents the attainment of the campus goal to create and maintain an environment which supports, nurtures, and encourages people to excel in teaching, learning, and creativity. CSU Global deplores, condemns, and will act energetically to prevent all forms of personal abuse including sexual harassment.

Sexual Harassment Policy

CSU Global does not tolerate sexual harassment among students, employees, or other members of its community.

Sexual harassment is prohibited in the employment context by Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and in the education context by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972.

Sexual harassment occurs when unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature appear in any of the following contexts: (1) submission by an individual is made either an explicit or implicit term or condition of academic standing or of employment; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for academic or employment decisions affecting the individual; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a person’s academic performance or work, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive academic or work environment.

Generally, a single sexual joke, offensive epithet, or request for a date does not constitute sexual harassment; however, being subjected to such jokes, epithets, or requests repeatedly may constitute hostile environment sexual harassment. In determining whether the alleged sexual harassing conduct warrants corrective action, all relevant circumstances, including the context in which the conduct occurred, will be considered. Facts will be judged on the basis of what is reasonable to persons of ordinary sensitivity and not on the particular sensitivity or reaction of an individual.

In cases of alleged sexual harassment, the protections of the First Amendment must be considered if issues of speech or artistic expression are involved. Free speech rights apply in the classroom and in all other education programs and activities of public institutions, and First Amendment rights apply to the speech of students and teachers. Great care must be taken not to inhibit open discussion, academic debate, and expression of personal opinion, particularly in the classroom. Nevertheless, speech or conduct of a sexual or hostile nature that occurs in the context of educational instruction may exceed the protections of academic freedom and constitute prohibited sexual harassment if it meets the definition of sexual harassment and (1) is reasonably regarded as nonprofessional speech, or (2) lacks accepted pedagogical purpose or is not germane to the academic subject matter.

CSU Global can respond to sexual harassment only if it is aware of its existence. Any student who believes that she or he has experienced sexual harassment or reprisal shall contact the Office of Student Success by emailing All such communications will be kept confidential to the full extent permitted by law. CSU Global faculty and staff must comply with the Sexual Harassment policies in the Employee Handbook.

Sexual Abuse Resources

Students who would like educational resources and information or counseling and advocacy resources regarding sexual abuse are encouraged to connect with RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), CCASA (Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault), or similar resources in their location.

Disability Services at CSU Global

Disability Services Background

The mission of Disability Services at CSU Global is to provide equal access to students with disabilities while maintaining the academic integrity standards of the university. Disability Services at CSU Global collaborates with instructors and staff to create effective, equitable, and inclusive learning environments so that qualified students may achieve their educational goals.

CSU Global recognizes and accepts its obligations under Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. These federal laws protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities at institutions of higher education that receive federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education. Additionally, these laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of a disability and require institutions such as CSU Global to provide reasonable accommodations to otherwise qualified disabled students in all University programs and activities. Students with disabilities admitted to CSU Global have matriculated through the same process and have met the same admissions requirements as other students.

Per definitions outlined in materials from the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division and Section 504 Compliance Handbook, CSU Global understands a person with a disability as anyone who either has, used to have, or is regarded as having a physical or mental impairment that substantially affects a major life activity (seeing, walking, working, learning, etc.). In terms of education, a qualified student with a disability is a student with a disability who meets the academic and technical standards for admission to or participation in the educational program or activity, with or without a reasonable accommodation.

An accommodation is any modification or adjustment in the learning environment that enables a qualified person with a disability to participate in a course, program, facility, activity or service. These adjustments assure that a student with a disability has rights and privileges equal to students without disabilities. Accommodations create equal educational opportunities. Providing accommodations does not mean setting different standards for students with disabilities.

Disability Services Policy Statement

Students with disabilities who have been admitted to Colorado State University Global may request reasonable academic accommodations under Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. Students must follow the outlined procedure for requesting academic accommodations. Students with temporary injuries and medical conditions are not covered under federal disability laws. Students who experience a temporary medical condition that affects their academic work during a trimester should follow the outlined procedures specific to a temporary condition.

In addition to providing notification and documenting the need for accommodation(s), students with disabilities also have the following rights and responsibilities.

Rights and Responsibilities for Students With Disabilities

CSU Global is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. Any student with a documented disability requesting academic accommodations should contact the Disability Resource Coordinator at 720-279-0650 and/or email for additional information to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.


  • to an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from courses, programs, services, and/or activities;
  • to an equal opportunity to work and to learn, to receive reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and services;
  • to the assurance that all disability-related records will be confidential and maintained;
  • to choose the courses to which Faculty Notification letters are sent, while not affecting the right to have accommodations in other courses or terms.


  • to meet qualifications and maintain essential institutional standards for courses, programs, services, or activities;
  • to give the institution advance notice of needed accommodation(s) and to initiate all requests for accommodations and services;
  • to deliver Faculty Notification letters and discuss accommodations with instructors. Faculty must have the Faculty Notification letter in order to provide accommodations.

Disability Services Accommodation Process

Disability Services is responsible for managing the accommodation process, including any negotiations regarding services, and finalizing appropriate student accommodations. The process of registering with Disability Services is as follows. Once enrolled at CSU Global, a qualified student with a disability seeking accommodations must:

  • Self-identify as a student with a disability to Disability Services by emailing or by calling 720-279-0650. Disability Services will send you an email requesting documentation, two forms to complete and return, and provide the Disability Services Handbook. These forms are:
    • DS Request for Academic Accommodations. Students requesting academic accommodations with CSU Global must complete and return this form to Disability Services to be eligible for documentation review.
    • DS Informed Consent for Information Release. This form authorizes the release of information regarding a student condition or disability to appropriate personnel strictly for the purposes of providing and/or coordinating academic services for reasonable accommodation requests.
  • Submit supportive documentation of disability and the completed forms noted above. Documentation must include:
    • Diagnosis of disability by an appropriate professional (e.g., medical doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, licensed counselor).
    • Current functional limitations in an academic setting due to the disability. (See Documentation Guidelines for your specific disability.)
    • Recommendations for academic accommodations appropriate in a post-secondary degree program (each requested accommodation must be supported in the documentation).
    • The name, address, telephone and professional credentials of the evaluator on official letterhead.
  • Once you have submitted the required information, it will be reviewed within 5 business days. Follow up with Disability Services if you have not heard back within 5 days of submitting your documents.
  • If academic accommodations have been approved, you will receive a “Student Notification of Academic Accommodations” form detailing accommodations that have been approved.
  • Prior to the beginning of each academic term, you must request “Faculty Notification of Academic Accommodations” letters from Disability Services for each course. You are responsible for sending the letter and discussing accommodations with each of your instructors during the first week of the term. Accommodations become effective the date the letter is delivered to your instructor and are not retroactive.
  • If you have not been approved for academic accommodations at CSU Global, you will be provided an explanation or be asked to submit additional documentation.

Once a student has approved accommodations on file it is the student’s responsibility to contact the Disability Services each term for a Faculty Notification of Academic Accommodations letter. The student is then responsible for providing this letter to their instructor. These letters become active for the student the date they are received by the instructor and they are not retroactive.

CSU Global does request documentation of a disability. The purpose of medical documentation is to demonstrate that a student is covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. These laws define a disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. The documentation requested by Disability Services establishes a student’s disability status, aids in understanding how the disability may impact a student in a higher education setting, and provides adequate information on the functional impact of the disability so that effective reasonable accommodations can be identified. Reasonable accommodations are individually determined and may vary from student to student.


Accommodations at CSU Global focus on providing equal access to all students in an online education environment. Reasonable accommodations may consist of changes in policies, practices, services, and the use of auxiliary aids. These may include but are not limited to:

  • Modifying the deadline for assignments
  • Modifying the format of course materials
  • Modifying the way course information is presented
  • Modifying how a student submits assignments

Reasonable accommodations do not require a substantial change in the curriculum or alteration of any essential elements or functions of the course, program, service, or activity. CSU Global understands that reasonable accommodations must be made unless it can be demonstrated that the accommodations would impose an undue hardship on the operation of the program.

Temporary Medical Conditions

Students experiencing temporary injuries and medical conditions are not covered under federal disability laws. Students who experience a temporary medical condition that affects their academic work during a trimester should contact their instructor and student success counselor to discuss options and review the CSU Global Late PolicyIncomplete Grade Guidelines, and Leave of Absence Policy. The student should provide their instructor with medical documentation specifying the condition and duration of the condition. Medical conditions that are considered temporary can include injuries, surgeries, or acute illnesses. If the student feels their attendance will be affected by a temporary medical condition, it is up to the student to contact their instructor and student success counselor.

Grievance Procedure

For disability-related grievances, please follow CSU Global’s Student Grievance Policy.

If the grievance is with the accommodation process or with Disability Services, the student is encouraged to resolve the concerns directly with Disability Services. If concerns are not resolved, students have the option of submitting a formal complaint (as laid out in the Student Grievance Policy) about a staff member.

Students may also go to the Office for Civil Rights to file a complaint.

Student Grievance Policy

Student grievances are defined as any unresolved complaint or allegation, including 1) unprofessional conduct by an instructor which adversely affects a student’s ability to successfully complete his/her academic goals, including a specific course or program; 2) improper admission counseling; 3) improper advising; 4) specific course assignments, curriculum elements, or grading of assessments prior to the end of the course; 6) disability-related issues.

With few exceptions, students should first attempt to resolve difficulties informally by bringing those concerns directly to the person responsible for the action, or to their student success counselor, the department head, or the immediate supervisor. If the problem cannot be resolved informally, the student may file a formal grievance using the grievance form.

Students whose concerns are still not satisfactorily resolved have the option of filing a formal grievance with the Grievance Committee. A Grievance Form must be received, in writing, within two (2) weeks of the date the informal grievance process ends. The grievance complaint must include a concise statement of the allegations that form the basis for the student’s complaint, including a statement of the facts, any relevant evidence, the rule, regulation, policy or practice that was violated, a summary of the informal attempts at resolution, and a suggested remedy. The Grievance Form can be accessed here.

The grievance is reviewed by the Grievance Committee. The Grievance Committee will review the grievance and communicate their decision to all parties involved within one week. Decisions of the Grievance Committee may be appealed by the student if there is evidence that a significant impropriety in the review process occurred. The appeal must be in writing, specifically detail the alleged procedural impropriety, and be filed in the Office of the Provost within two (2) weeks of the date of receipt of the Grievance Committee’s decision. The Provost shall review the appeal and the Grievance Committee records and issue a decision within twenty-one (21) days. The decision of the Provost is final.

CDHE Complaint Policy

Students who have not reached a satisfactory resolution upon completion of the institutional grievance process may file a complaint with the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) as stated in the Colorado Student Bill of Rights (CRS 21-1-1235). Students must exhaust all opportunities for resolution at the institutional level prior to filing a complaint or grievance with the CDHE. Additional information about the process and requirements is available at

Students who reside in other states may also file complaints to the appropriate state agency. For a list of agencies and their contact information click here.

You may also contact the regional accreditor, the Higher Learning Commission:

230 South LaSalle Street
Suite 7-500
Chicago, IL 60604