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Colorado State University Global

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Student Success Services

Successful Together: Do It For Yourself, Not By Yourself

At Colorado State University Global, we recognize that life can be demanding and that each student has their own set of challenges. That’s why we ensure that every student is matched with a dedicated student success counselor, who will provide personalized support tailored to your unique needs.

This counselor will be your go-to contact for everything from enrollment to graduation, assisting you in degree planning, goal setting, and regular check-ins on your class performance. They will also connect you with essential resources and services tailored to support your journey. Our mission, and our passion, is to offer you personalized support designed to help you succeed in the classroom and your future endeavors, inspiring and motivating you every step of the way.

Let’s Connect: Guiding Your Academic Success

Your student success counselor is here to guide you via phone, email, and live chat. They offer support on a variety of essential topics, including:

  • Designing educational plans to meet graduation requirements
  • Assisting with course registration and strategic degree planning
  • Clarifying student policies and processes
  • Strengthening your relationships with instructors
  • Accessing tutoring, the library, writing center, and career services
  • Setting and achieving personal and academic goals

Student Resources

Your student success counselor will connect you with various CSU Global resources as needed to keep you on track with your academic and professional goals, including:


Getting stuck on an assignment happens to even the best of students, and when you need help, it’s only a click away.


Writing Center

Submit any piece of academic writing, from a single paragraph to a long paper, and get detailed feedback from a writing expert that will improve your paper, and build your writing skills.

Career Navigation Services

With CSU Global’s Career Navigation Services, students can receive help applying their new skills and knowledge to land a job, move up in their current field, or break into a new industry entirely.

Career Navigation Services

On-Demand Technical Support

CSU Global Tech Support is available any time of day to make sure you can complete your coursework on your schedule.

Disability and Accessibility Services

Committed to individualized assistance that honors the uniqueness of each student and their needs, CSU Global’s Disability and Accessibility Services are designed to assist all students achieve their educational goals.

Disability and Accessibility Services

We know that our students have lives beyond school, and we try to connect and offer solutions that take into account their unique situations to offer a truly supportive learning environment.

Rebekah Shaw
Student Success Counselor

Tips for Student Success

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Let's Get Started Together

You don’t even have to fill out your application alone. Our Enrollment Counselors are standing by to help if you need us.

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