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Student Organizations

CSU Global Student Organizations

CSU Global is proud to support our students both in and out of the classroom because online doesn’t mean alone. Check out some of the many ways our students connect and find where you fit at CSU Global.

CSU Global Student Veteran Organizations

CSU Global’s chapter of the Student Veterans of America provides military veterans with resources, support, networking, and advocacy needed to succeed at CSU Global and beyond.

Honors Societies

CSU Global is proud to be a member of a number of international invitation-only honor societies that recognize our university’s educational rigor and honor our students’ academic achievements.

Golden Key International Honor Society

Golden Key is the world’s largest collegiate honor society, with over two million members worldwide. CSU Global’s chapter of Golden Key is part of US Region 6, which includes institutions from Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.

Benefits include education-based scholarships, networking events, partnerships, discounts, jobs and internships, and leadership opportunities. This honor society is by invitation only, a privilege extended to students who meet the following criteria:

Undergraduate Students:

  • A cumulative GPA within the top 15% (normally 3.70)
  • 30 or more residential credits
  • Good academic and financial standing with the university

Graduate Students:

  • A cumulative GPA of 3.80 or higher
  • 12 or more residential credits
  • Good academic and financial standing with the university

Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society

Kappa Delta Pi recognizes academic excellence and promotes achievement in education. Its membership is greater than 1.2 million members throughout the world. Membership in the CSU Global chapter of KDP is by invitation only. Benefits include access to networking, professional development opportunities, and the career center; stole or honor cords at graduation; publication and presentation opportunities at KDP events, and scholarship and grant programs.

Students must meet the following criteria to be considered for membership:


  • Be enrolled in an institution offering an education degree, and have the intent to continue academically and professionally in the field of education.
  • Demonstrate leadership attributes and commitment to equity
  • Have completed at least 24 credits of collegiate coursework
  • Have at least 6 credit hours in education coursework registered for, in progress, or completed
  • Demonstrate a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater, or rank in the upper 20 percent of the university


  • Have graduate standing in an institution offering an education degree, and have the intent to continue academically and professionally in the field of education
  • Demonstrate leadership attributes and commitment to equity
  • Have completed at least 6 credit hours of graduate coursework
  • Have at least 6 credit hours in education coursework registered for, in progress, or completed
  • Demonstrate a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher for all graduate coursework completed, or rank in the upper 18.75 percent of the institution or school

Sigma Beta Delta International Honor Society

Sigma Beta Delta is the leading business, management, and administration honor society. With over 420 chapters worldwide, Sigma Beta Delta recognizes top-achieving students in their business programs and promotes personal and professional improvement aspirations. Benefits include a fellowship program, internships, networking opportunities, a member newsletter, and a one-year subscription to Bloomberg Businessweek.

One of the two following criteria must apply for invitations to membership into the CSU Global chapter of Sigma Beta Delta:

Undergraduate Students:

  • Have at least junior-level standing (60 credits or more)
  • 12 or more residential credits
  • Enrolled in either the B.S. in Marketing, B.S. in Healthcare Administration & Management, B.S. in Human Resource Management, or B.S. in Business Management Information Systems programs with a GPA of at least 3.50

Graduate Students:

  • More than 3 residential credits
  • Be a graduate student in the Master’s of Finance, Master’s of Professional Accounting, or Master’s of Human Resource Management program with a GPA of at least 3.70

Delta Mu Delta International Honor Society

Delta Mu Delta is an international honor society recognizing and promoting achievement in business. CSU Global students with high academic achievement in eligible degree programs will be accepted with a lifetime membership. Once accepted for membership, inducted students benefit from access to networking, acknowledgment for federal employment, professional development opportunities, and scholarship programs.

The following criteria apply for invitations to memberships into the CSU Global chapter of Delta Mu Delta:


  • Be enrolled in the B.S. in Accounting, B.S. in Business Management, B.S. in Human Resource Management, B.S. in Management Information Systems, or B.S. in Marketing, program
  • Have at least junior-level standing (60 credits or more)
  • Have completed at least nine credit hours of coursework at CSU Global
  • Demonstrate a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or greater, and rank in the upper 20 percent of the school (both conditions must be met and a 3.25 cGAP alone does not automatically qualify for membership)


  • Be enrolled in the Master of Finance, Master of Human Resource Management, Master of Professional Accounting, M.S. in Management, or Master’s in International Management program
  • Have completed at least 18 credit hours of graduate coursework
  • Have completed at least nine credits of coursework at CSU Global
  • Demonstrate a cumulative GPA of 3.6 or higher for all graduate coursework completed

National Society of Leadership and Success

The National Society of Leadership and Success is the nation’s largest leadership honor society and collegiate leadership development program, and the only program of its kind to have earned accreditation for its programming.

Students must complete a step-by-step leadership development program in order to become inducted. The curriculum offers students the opportunity to develop many in-demand skills, such as leadership, communication, and team building.

Nomination criteria are determined by local chapter leaders and are based on academic excellence and leadership potential. To learn more about the CSU Global chapter of NSLS, contact the Chapter Advisor by emailing