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Colorado State University Global
February 11, 2020
Colorado State University Global took part in Founders Day at the Colorado State Capitol on Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020, to celebrate Colorado State University’s (CSU) 150th birthday. As part of the celebration, Dr. Tony Frank, chancellor of the CSU System, accepted the official proclamation, sponsored by State Senator Joann Ginal, joined by representatives from the CSU System and CSU Global President Dr. Takeda-Tinker. CSU President Joyce McConnell, CSU-Pueblo President Timothy Mottet, and CSU System representatives accepted the official proclamation in the House of Representatives sponsored by Representatives Jenny Arndt and Cathy Kipp
CSU was founded in 1870 as the Colorado Agricultural College under the Morrill Act, known today as the Land Grant College Act of 1862, which donated public lands to several states and territories in order to create higher education institutions with the primary teaching focus of mechanical arts and agriculture. Inspired by its land-grant heritage, today, CSU is committed to excellence, setting the standard for public research universities in teaching, research, service, and extension for the benefit of the citizens of Colorado, the United States, and the world.
The State Board of Agriculture created the CSU System in 1985, consisting of CSU, the University of Southern Colorado, and Fort Lewis College. The system was established to support, enhance, and protect the unique missions of the CSU System’s constituent institutions, and to encourage collaboration that would benefit students and Colorado. In 2002, Fort Lewis became a separate entity, and a statute was enacted to change the University of Southern Colorado’s name to Colorado State University-Pueblo (CSU-Pueblo). Today, the CSU System campuses educate nearly 60,000 students every year, lead the state in service to first-generation students and military veterans, and have an active presence in every Colorado county through the three universities, Extension, 4-H, the State Forest Service, the Agricultural Experiment Stations, regional hub campuses, and the new Spur campus at the National Western Center, which will break ground in April.
CSU Global is proud to be a part of this long-standing heritage with our sister schools and the CSU System. As pioneers in the space of online learning, we have more than a decade of expertise in engaging, supporting, and educating the modern student. CSU Global is committed to enhancing the quality of life for citizens in the state of Colorado and beyond by providing access to programs that are developed with our students’ careers in mind, with a curriculum that aligned with industry demands.