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Colorado State University Global
July 13, 2020
When deciding on a college major or a career path, some people choose what fits their skills or aptitudes, while others choose what fits their passions by finding something they’re excited about. But what about choosing a major or career that matches your personality?
There are many aspects of a job that can make you much happier or more stressed, depending on your personality. Do you like to solve problems by yourself or work in large groups? Would you rather focus on one task at a time or multitask?
According to a 2017 study published in the journal Psychological Science,
“Individuals can earn additional income of more than their monthly salary per year if they hold a job that fits their personality. Thus, at least for some traits, economic success depends not only on having a ‘successful personality’ but also, in part, on finding the best niche for one’s personality.”
Personality matters! Not only will you be happier at work, but you’ll have the potential for higher earnings.
That leaves us with one question: How do you determine what kind of personality you have? There are a few different popular personality assessments that can help you determine your career path.
Created in the 1950s by psychologist John L. Holland, the “Holland Codes” or “Holland Occupational Themes” divide people into six categories mapped on two underlying dimensions: people versus things and ideas versus data. The idea is that people tend to mostly fit one of these six types:
Holland’s themes are easy to test for, but they’re not the only option to find out what kind of work you should be looking into.
Perhaps the most famous personality test is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). An MBTI test can ask anywhere from dozens to hundreds of questions, grading respondents on four dichotomies:
Your MBTI will be a combination of these four groups in the form of a four-letter acronym. You could be an ISTJ, an ENFP, an ESTJ, or any one of 16 combinations described here.
There are plenty of unofficial MBTI tests online, but only a few are certified by the Myers & Briggs Foundation. When you take the test, you’ll answer a series of multiple-choice questions that will help indicate your type. The best part? There are no wrong answers!
Whether you’re just starting out on your career path or you’ve been in the workforce a while and you’re looking for something that’s more compatible with your personality, CSU Global can help. We offer career-focused certificates, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees in a wide array of fields to help you find the right career for who you are and what you care about.
We’re 100 percent online, fully accredited, and we offer monthly class starts with no set times or locations, so you can learn at your own pace. And our tuition rates are locked from the moment you enroll, so your rates will never increase.
Ready to find the career that’s right for you and get started? Apply now!